Find what was lost and rebuild what was destroyed: A thousand years ago, a cataclysmic event shattered a world into floating islands scattered across an endless skyline. Civilizations tumbled, societies collapsed, and all seemed lost.
From the rubble emerged ragtag bands of nomads, who fly cobbled-together skyships from island to island, scavenging for resources to keep moving. These are the players of Worlds Adrift: Explorers of a new world and seekers of ancient knowledge.
Within the coveted ruins of the past, cryptic and forgotten fragments of the technologies developed by civilizations who built much, and over saw the collapse of it all. Harnessing such forgotten knowledge, players build greater and more powerful skyships that carry them further, past the crushing wind walls, through devastating lightning storms, to entirely undiscovered islands holding the mysteries of an earlier age.
Either working alone or with a crew of friends, players will choose their own path, create their own stories, and tell their own tales. To jealously guard knowledge or work together to rebuild society is up to them; these choices will constantly shape the characters they become and the universe they live in -- the worlds adrift.
Game details: Worlds Adrift is an unscripted, sandbox game with real-time physics, set in a world that is permanently changed by players’ actions. This new breed of MMO is set in a universe that was destroyed by the overmining of its precious levitating mineral, the Atlas stone. All that remains of the planet surface are the thousands of floating islands still rich in the precious mineral and scattered with artefacts from many lost civilisations.
Players will build a legendary skyship and escape to the clouds, forming a crew to seek the lost history of this mysterious world. Worlds Adrift is one of the first games created using Improbable's unique technology, which allows Bossa Studios to simulate real-world physics on a scale never achieved before, for thousands of players in real-time.