• Nintendo eShop
Endless Ocean™ Luminous

Endless Ocean™ Luminous

  • Nintendo eShop
Endless Ocean™ Luminous

Endless Ocean™ Luminous


Explore a mysterious underwater world

Dive in and chill out

  • Take a deep breath and plunge into the Veiled Sea: an unexplored region with discoveries that change with each dive.

Discover the unknown

  • Scan sea creatures and learn about over 500 species of marine life—some of which are presumed extinct, or even mythical.

Hang out and explore together

  • Swim together in groups of up to 30 with a Nintendo Switch Online membership*. Greet your fellow divers with a friendly gesture and then delve into the depths to share discoveries.

Customize your look

  • Unlock customization options and fun gestures to personalize your underwater self.

Discover your own style

  • In Endless Ocean Luminous, you can find a way to play that fits your style. Have a leisurely swim in the sea or meticulously catalog every creature you see—it’s all up to you!


Share Expeditions

  • Share your Session ID to invite friends on a group swim (up to 30 total). If the session has fewer than 30 people, you may also be joined by up to 10 random divers from around the world (no Session ID required). You may end up with a mix of both friends and strangers on your dive for a total of up to 30 players on the map as you explore and make discoveries together.

Solo Expeditions

  • Discover sea life on your own.

Research Expeditions

  • Help save the World Coral in this single-player story mode.

Mystery Board

  • Uncover buried treasures, strange creatures, and more.

Event Dives

  • Take part in community events with players from around the world.