Dead Rising 4 marca o retorno do jornalista fotográfico Frank West em um novo capítulo de uma das franquias de jogos de zumbis mais populares de todos os tempos. Todas as marcas clássicas da série estão de volta, inclusive uma enorme gama de armas e veículos que o jogador pode combinar para enfrentar a horda, de itens práticos até itens praticamente insanos. Jogadores também encontrarão várias novidades, incluindo novas classes de zumbis, exoarmaduras e modo cooperativo de 4 jogadores. Com um nível inigualável de personalização de armas e personagens, Dead Rising 4 traz uma experiência emocionante, na qual os jogadores exploram, buscam itens e lutam para sobreviver em um ambiente aberto épico.
- Frank West returns! – The original Dead Rising protagonist and photojournalist Frank West returns 16 years after the events of Willamette, complete with his brand new camera phone to capture those zombie selfies and unveil hidden objects around the town
- Open World Sandbox – Explore and scavenge the huge spaces of the Willamette Memorial Megaplex for weapons and costumes to combat the zombie apocalypse and take a trip out to the town to find extra clues
- Anything and everything is a weapon – Create your own tools of zombie destruction by creating hundreds of potential weapon combinations ranging from the practical to the truly insane like the Suckmaster 3000 or the Sledge Saw
- Two all new classes of zombies! – Players will encounter the Fresh and Evo zombies. The Fresh zombies have only recently been affected, fuelling them with rage and charging directly at players. Evo zombies are cunning killers who will keep players on their feet and guessing their next move.
- Step inside the EXO suit – Ranging from the over the top to the truly bizarre, players can now arm themselves with a super powered suit of armour that brings them super strength and incredible fire power to take on the zombie hordes.
- Engaging multiplayer – Play with 3 other friends to complete missions and conquer the zombie infested Willamette Memorial Megaplex Mall.